iOS 14 -Features & Supported Devices List !

every year Apple releases a new version of iOS and releases a bunch of betas and then releases 

iOS 14 -Features & Supported Devices List !

the final product in September now we start to see rumours about it and about what devices are supported and things like that early in the year and usually a lot of those things are true since developers are working on them there's early versions of them things like that and we'll see the first version of it in June at the WorldwideDeveloper Conference or what's known as WWDC this is usually in the first or second week of June and then they release the beta the same day,  this year is all about refinement and then I'm going to talk about which devices will be supported 

iOS 14 -Features & Supported Devices List !

they tweaked the performance they gave a screen time they gave us grouped notifications with iOS 12 they gave us emoji group FaceTime the measure app 

I actually have go from day to night so it changes based on daytime and nighttime there's also a major photos redesign and a huge update to accessibility for those with the ability or inability to actually control their phone easily with touch so you can use voice control they brought apples sign in they brought find my to replace find my friends and find my iPhone they updated maps in a major way they also brought the quick path keyboard which is basically like swipe they redesigned reminders they redesigned carplay they brought apple arcade 

they have also updated new languages like India and other places in the world updated files fonts Health Safari notes mail and more and  so with all of those changes comes a lot of bugs because software in general is just hard and even though you might have hundreds or thousands or hundreds of thousands of people working on something it's still difficult to nail down all of those bugs so with iOS 14 Apple will bring the refinement.

if this is true there's some great news for those of you with iPhone se 6s and 6s plus so the great news is it appears iOS 14 will be supporting iPhone se it will also be supporting iPhone 6s and 6s plus if the source is accurate so that means everything that currently supports iOS13 on iPhone will be supported however on ipad that doesn't seem to be true it seems like Apple is getting rid of support for devices with the 8 8 and 8 8X processors so what that means is this iPad air 2 will no longer be supported nor will the iPad Mini 4 so those are the current rumours or current information on what devices will actually be supported 

and there's quite a few desires that people want as well and probably the number one thing that I hear has to do with phone calls taking up the entire display so when you receive a phone call it completely covers up the display many of you are familiar with this let me just show you quickly now when you receive a phone call from another phone just like I am here you can accept it or decline it but it's taking up the whole screen if I double click the power button I can go home and use the phone again but it's really a pain and it's something that is really annoying for a lot of people on Android it's handled a lot differently and I would really like to see that refinement,

so for example let me show you that so on my pixel phone here I'm calling myself you'll see it says Shivam incoming call and it just pops upon the top I can keep using my phone while that's coming in so it's one of those things that's strange that they haven't updated let me and that call it's strange that they haven't updated that on iPhone it seems like a simple enough a solution that they could do but it's not here and hopefully we'll see it with iOS 14 

also I would expect performance update so more Siri updates possibly new icons but I would not expect a major redesign with iOS 14 maybe they'll tweak some of the icons maybe music or something like that and of course we'll have a new wallpaper every year we have some new wallpaper nothing major but we do have them and we'll have dynamic or Stills or whatever they decide to do here we'll just have new wallpaper in general just like we do every year and maybe we'll be able to place the icons anywhere we want but I would not expect any major changes no they could surprise us this year but it's hard to say exactly what they're going to do but the only current information we have about it is that it's going to be more refined apples tweaked their process to make sure that software is more ready for the public and betas are intrinsically buggy anyway and that's what a beta is all about is reporting feedback and things like that but iOS 14 should refine everything just like iOS 12 did just like iOS it's just the way Apple seems to do things but let me know your thoughts about it in the comments below do you have an iPhone se or 6s in what do you think about support I'm really excitedApple seems to be supporting older older devices even longer so that's great news so that means everything from 6s to the iPhone 7 the iPhone 8 the iPhone XR, X all everything from then on gets supported so that's great 

let me know your thoughts in the comments below

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